- Maha Mritinjyu Jaap;
- Sree Sat Chandi Jaap; and
- Sree Santaan Gopal Jaap.
The above religious Anusanthan and other Jaaps, Yagya etc. can be performed in Baba
Balak Nath Sidh Peeth Complex at Yagyashala for which Sidh Peeth does not charge
anything for the services rendered by it to perform these Anusanthans.
Live Programme through International TV Channel on 31st December:
On the eve of New Year, Baba Balak Nath Sidh Peeth Foundation have been organizing
live program of Naya Saal Babe Nal on 31st December every year telecasted through
International TV Channels.
It is for information of the devotees of Baba Balak Nathji that, now, this
programme i.e. Naya Saal Babe Nal on 31st December (night) is celebrated at Baba
Balak Nath Sidh Peeth, Noida and its live telecast is done on International TV Channel
like Aastha, Sanaskar etc. so that devotee of Babaji all over the world can start
the new year with the Subh Darshan of Baba Balak Nathji from their beautiful Goofa
at Baba Balak Nath Sidh Peeth.